Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hail to the Victors (Apple Fritters)

Another sad day for Michigan football. This marks the 6th straight year that Michigan has lost to OSU. Abbey never lets me forget.

When I got home from watching the game (in the warmth and comfort of a house) I decided I was hungry. Noon games really throw me off since you get up, have breakfast and then have to go do game day things. I met my friend Manuel. at the Union at 11:15ish and then we walked to our friend Jessica.'s to watch the game. 11:15 is too early for lunch. Anyways, I walked into my now boiling house and decided I would use up some of the food in my fridge. I'm only going to be in Ann Arbor for a couple days this week so I figured I'd use the chopped onions, bean sprouts, etc that are hanging around. What did I make? Hashbrowns with onion and bacon, stir fried bean sprouts, and apple fritters. They don't really match, but I take what I can get.

The main point of this post is the apple fritters. I was introduced to a site called StumbleUpon by my roommate and when I wasn't busy a few months ago, I was on it a lot. You pick your interests and then it'll randomly send you to websites. I stumbled on a site called Cooking By Numbers. It's nice when you have no idea what to cook since all you do is check what you have in your fridge and cupboards and voila! recipes! I found apple fritters today and since there were still two apples sitting in my crisper from when I sliced apples with my grandparents, I decided to use them up. No more apples now!

Apple Fritters
2 large apples, sliced into chunks
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of flour
brown sugar, to taste
cinnamon, to taste

Mix together the milk and flour. The batter I ended up getting was like thick waffle batter. You want it to stick to the apples. Anyways, once the batter is together, add some cinnamon and brown sugar. My mom informed me today that brown sugar fries better since it doesn't burn like white sugar. Good to know. When your batter is all mixed together, dump in your apple slices. Make sure they're all coated pretty evenly. Heat up some oil in a skillet or pan and when it's all hot, put in the apple slices. They're ready to be flipped when the bottoms are brownish. When they're done, put them on a napkin to get some of the oil off them. I finished it off with some powdered sugar too. Yum.

A word of wisdom about hot oil. When oil is warmed up, it likes to pop. It pops hot bits of oil at you. If you're not careful, it will be large bits of oil. I had a boyfriend once who was cooking and flipped a piece of meat (in hot oil) and managed to burn a large part of his hand. It blistered and, as much as I enjoy injuries, that one was pretty gross.

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